Wednesday, May 29, 2024 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Mental Health in the Workplace

Presented by Emerging Leaders Chicago

Mental health awareness in the workplace is essential for fostering a supportive and productive environment where employees can thrive. Employers have a crucial responsibility to create policies and provide resources that promote mental well-being, thereby reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations about mental health. By prioritizing mental health, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction, reduce turnover, and improve overall performance, leading to a healthier, more engaged workforce.

The Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute will host a presentation regarding mental health in the workplace on May 29. From a lens of psychoanalytic conceptualization, Dr. David Brooks will speak to the difficulties that can arise for professionals within the corporate world and how that may impact everyday functioning. The content will center around mental health psychoeducation, mental health stigma, and a deeper look into coping and relief from career stress.

Dr. David Brooks

President | Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute

Host Sponsor

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Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute
8 S Michigan Ave,
Chicago, IL, 60603