The global exodus of talent across organizations, known as The Great Resignation, has been an unexpected impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employment trends signal that within the next year more than half of the workforce will seek out a new career opportunity, which is sending companies across all industries scrambling to improve hiring rates and retention and reimagine the employee experience.

Featured Speakers:

  • Candance Chow, Managing Director and Co-Founder, NextGroup LLC
  • Hannah Kenney, Director of Human Capital Solutions, Aon
  • Greg Gratteau, Managing Director of Human Capital Management, BDO
  • Hilary Phillips Mehta, Vice President of Employee Experience, Edelman

Additional Resources Provided

Aon: Presentation Slides

Aon: The Rising Resilient Self-Assessment Tool

Aon: Human Capital Solutions Insights on The Great Resignation

BDO: How to Lead Virtual Teams through a Crisis

Edelman: 2021 Trust Barometer Special Report

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